Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11, 2020

I'm just here to rant today.

I've been without work for a while now. Months. Unemployment hasn't come through. I have spent a few hours this week waiting on the line with the unemployment office. I've called literally hundreds of times. It was a miracle I got through. But my case is fucked. And I need to reach a higher tier of support, but I keep getting disconnected because the queue is full, or maybe they're hanging up on me for one reason or another. I actually broke down and cried today after my third time getting through the call disconnected because of a mysteriously bad signal.

It's hard just sitting here knowing I'm running out of money. I won't be homeless. I have a plan for that. But I'm stuck. And my future is uncertain. And when my future is uncertain, I start regretting all my past choices. 

Given all that is going on, I don't feel like my pain is worth mentioning to anyone. They say I have a lot going for me. But it doesn't feel that way, not right now. I might just be a broken prototype. You know. One of nature's useless iterations cast aside. Because that's what she does, you know: she makes us at random. Deep down inside, I know that there is more to life, the world, and nature. But right now this is all I can see and feel. And so I guess I have to feel and see that right now. 

I have about $200 of cash tips from when I was a barista. I'm going to dig into that fund for a pack of cigarettes. And I think I'm going to just sit on the porch and smoke and hurt today. 


HR Giger came in the mail today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10, 2020: Money is the Congealed Shadow of Value

A year ago, like almost exactly a year ago, when I was earning good money working for AWS, I called my uncle, and I told him that I did not know what to spend my money on. He said something like, "save some money, but make sure to buy the things that you want. You don't have to save every penny. Live a little." He assumed that I was saving my money—which I was most certainly not. I was recklessly over-"living".

I'm not entirely sure how to diagnose the root of my problem at the time. I knew I was spending too much and living beyond my means. But I was in a Catch-22: If I had been wiser, I would not have spent so much; however, if I had been wiser, I probably would not have accepted that job in the first place. My motivation for working was inseparable from my spending habits. When I saw that my decadent spending habits (eating out, drinking out, and buying expensive clothes on a whim) weren't making me happy, my reason and motivation dried up. This was a visceral transformation beyond my rational, conscious control. 

During the first few months of unemployment after I was "quit-fired", I became a will-less wet noodle. I told myself that I was going to become a writer and give up my love of worldly possessions; I was going to live a life of the mind. And that's kind of where I am right now, but I feel like I am growing beyond being just a hermit or just a careless spender.

But I remember those times of careless spending fondly, even though they all blur together. It would go something like this—

It was as if I would see an item—for example a $200 pair of techwear pants—I would lust. I would be overcome by desire. I wanted the thing. And when I would spend the money, I would feel release. To be frank here, making a purchase was a lot like jerking off or hooking up with someone at a bar: you feel disgusting afterwards, but what else is there to do if you are incapable of seeing better alternatives?

Picture me, an idiot, doing this: 

A store display catches my eye, or picture on Instagram makes be pause and hit that tiny little heart button just below the picture. We flirt for a while: I circle around the mannequin, or maybe I start looking up product reviews on reddit. 

Then comes the buildup. —I try her on. Then my beloved goes into the basket. We're not quite together, but we're holding hands. I caress her, feeling the texture of her skin fabric;—during those first moments when we meet her touch is sublime. Many of my clearest and most vivid dreams happen during this short period; I can see all of the lovely times that we're going to have together—showers of compliments, instances of radiance. I will be the sun, but she will be the light.

It is during these times that I use my credit card rather than my debit card: It puts to rest my fear of even a momentary dysfunction brought on by a lack of libido funds.

Then, consummation.

I insert my credit card. ...Or—less euphemistically—Google Chrome autofills what it can, and I'm left digging through my wallet to read off my card's CVV—the one I haven't memorized (yet).

Then, I am free—perfected, desireless, yet gestating expecting the arrival of something good in 2-14 business days.

But it is done. The hookup is over. The giddiness fades. And if I am capable of financial accounting or a modest self-reflection, then I am disgusted with myself, yet not so disgusted that I am going to make a return, because to make a return would be to admit that I was wrong, and I was not wrong; I'm an adult and I gave my consent, so if I gave my consent, then how can I have any regrets? 

It is not that there's anything wrong with my brand of financial wontoness. Rather, during that phase in my life I hoped for something more, something steady. And it took a lot of time, pain, and debt to realize that.

Digression: Okay, all that being said, there are some articles of clothing that I truly love despite their apparent extravagance. I love my (Iron Heart type-3 overdyed 14oz denim) jean jacket. I spent a butt-load on it, and I would never take three times that money in return. I'm going to wear that thing until it fucking DIES. Sometimes something good can come out of the mess of mindless erotic-shopping, but it is necessary to be at least passively looking for things with future value—i.e. dollar per wear.

Today, I am no longer a totally-spent, will-less, wet-noodle. I am only totally-spent. What has changed is that rather than merely lusting, my desire and attention is focused. And that's where a motorcycle comes in. I want a motorcycle. And I want to pay for it in cash. I don't want to go around spending my money on just whatever catches my fancy just like I don't want to go around hooking up with whomestever. I'm on the lookout for something of more substantial, less-fleeting, and longer-term value.

Money is merely the congealed shadow of value. And a motorcycle is merely the congealed form some other higher thing—a union of engineering, beauty, and the human desire to push beyond our physical capacities, etc., idfk.

But what I do know is that I can vividly see (read: dream of) something worth saving myself my money for. And that's kind of nice. Because for a second there I was worried that I was going to be totally content with a humble collection of dense paperbacks and a cardboard box for a home.

One desire's consummation is the birth of yet another desire. Desire (itself) is never satiated. —And that's okay; there's an art to it.

Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020: The Zen Rider's Alchemist

Something is going on.

I was told to read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance in 2013 by my NCOIC (my firstline manager in the army). I put it off until about last week—over seven years. And it turns out that book is actually excellent. That book really and truly blew my mind with its sophisticated take on the split between the rational and romantic. I had originally figured it was going to be wishy-washy self-help bullshit about living in the moment. —It's not. I thought I was too smart for the book, but the truth was, I didn't know enough about Platonic and Aristotelian thought to appreciate the book. It's a top tier book written by a former professor with legit academic credentials. 5/5.

Then, almost one year later in 2014, I was told to read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho by my girlfriend at the time. I did not read it. I read an online summary. And I thought that I got it. I thought I already knew "the message". Plus, at the time I was reading CG Jung's take on "real" alchemy; I didn't want to read a best-selling hack. Also, this was during a strange time in my life where I thought that I was about to crack the secrets of the universe: it had something to do with reality being constructed of tensions of opposites which I was learning to "control", but what I had in fact discovered was that my ability to perceive-and-describe things was based on pairs of opposites—that human experience is largely based on a dialectic of sorts. 

Anyway. In fact, I did not get it. I did not understand The Alchemist (nor the secrets of life). (The book had nothing to do pairs of opposites.) But I set it aside because I figured a top-seller like that is probably full of useless platitudes that tickle ears. The book slipped to the back of mind while I read more "important" things. 

Today, a friend asked me if I had read The Alchemist. I said that I would read it soon. Then within the hour, I received a text saying that the Kindle that I had ordered was at my door—an omen. And so I am reading the book now, six years later. And the first thing that I am struck with is the simplicity of the book. In previously having read the first few pages, I had originally mistaken its simplicity for naivete, foolishness, vulgarity, and a lack of sophistication. But that is far from the case. The book's simplicity is one of its virtues—a sign of graceful simplicity. Moreover, it contains wisdom that I was not ready to hear six years ago.

Sometimes the most valuable and important things are impossible to notice because of their apparent commonness and simplicity. The wisdom of The Alchemist is like this. I am not finished with the book but this stuck out so much to me that I had to write it down:

"You must always know what it is that you want."

There it is. I feel it is profound—more profound, meaningful than many philosophy and political theory lectures I attended.

Coelho says that our true desires are the universe's same desires, and the universe will conspire to help us achieve those desires.

Now before I talk about how the universe is fucking with me by giving me what I want I should first ask which desires are our true desires? I think our true desires come from our true self. I found a good answer to what our true self is in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Robert Pirsig, the author, says that a bike is a reflection of its owner—particularly when the owner takes care of maintenance. If the owner lacks patience, that lack of care is reflected in the bike. The subtleties of this relationship are most obvious to motorcycle riders and, if he is both attentive and reflective, to the owner himself. 

I'll give another example. Right now I am wearing raw denim jeans. First, this makes me a conceited asshole, which I feel the need to acknowledge. But. Second, these jeans are a reflection of who I really am. Raw denim fades according to how they're worn. And these pants are fading most quickly around my ass because that's what I do in pants. —I sit. When I noticed this, I was disappointed because I like to think of myself as being active and doing a variety of activities. But these jeans can't lie. That is the difference between my real self and my ego/ideal-self.

I have gotten what I have wanted and asked for. It's true. It's just that things never quite turned out how I expected. When I graduated from college, I wanted to live in Seattle, and I did that.  When I lived in Seattle, I wanted a "well-respected job that pays well," and I got that, but I was miserable, and I was spit out.

So what do I really want? Well, if I look around, apparently I wanted La Croix, because there's a lot of empty La Croix cans sitting around me. But I have time, books, and a girlfriend. And next month, if things go according to plan, I will have solitude, because I will be camping in the desert for a month or so. Then I will start grad school a few months after that. So I guess that is what God or The Universe or The Great Magnet or my True Self has given me. But it still doesn't seem to be quite right. Things feel too unstable and this flux is too chaotic.

Here are some thoughts about what I want (in no particular order).
  • Wisdom: to guard, grow, and nourish my soul.
  • A Motorcycle: To enjoy the ride-and-journey to new and old places—to enjoy something for its own sake.
  • Health: to be able to participate in life
  • To Write as a Craft: to bring value to the world and to develop my own soul.
  • Friends: with whom to share good and bad times.
  • A Family: to love and cherish; to grow with. 
  • Wealth: enough to support my self/family, my passions and live a healthy life—and to donate the excess to charity.
  • The ability to find soul-satisfying meaning during the daily grind—some days in happiness, other days in pain.
That's a start. But only a start. I get the feeling that we don't get to choose our desires. We discover them and work with what we have. The above list is only a shadow what I have discovered so far. When it comes to this type of knowledge, what we know is written on our hearts.

Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020: Ares horn, and Apollo's tower.

I walked to the park this morning for a workout, and this came to mind. 

I leave the world of Anthropos (ἄνθρωπος) and enter another world, one that is orthogonal to our own. I am somewhere on the plains at the edge of a battlefield. I feel my heart in my chest, pounding a steady rhythm. 

I see a man with a ram horned helmet in the distance. He is overlooking a battlefield. In front of him, several hundred men charge into a fog-shrouded battlefield. In his right hand he his holding a horn. 

I cry out to him, "Ares! Is that you?"

"You! Astatos (άστατος)! Coward! Go and join the fight! Look at the fighters out there in the distance. They are great! They will be rewarded. Their spirits grow. They will be mighty. But you will wither. Your flesh will heap and sag from disuse. If you do not abandon your comfort, then you will remain in the dark, banned from the light. You will be a rat, scampering between the legs of the victor."

"But I am unsure of how to contribute to justice on the battlefield," I say.

Ares scans the horizon, surveying the plain and says, "Do you see her? I did not see her here on the plain." He gives a mocking laugh.

A familiar voice, in silence, tells my heart old words: There is no justice on the battlefield—only power

I leave the edge of the battlefield. I see a tower in the distance and I walk toward it. When I arrive, a guard tells me to place my soul on a set of scales. My soul is measured against a golden heart. The scale shifts and wobbles. It does not become steady. At the sight of this the guards summon an old man dressed in fine clothes; he then inspects my soul. He shakes his head, as if in disappointed and inconvenienced. He whispers in a guard's ear and steps inside. Two more guards appear from a small guard shack adjacent to the tower and step behind me, preventing me from leaving.

The finely dressed old man returns, beckoning me without a word. We climb a marble spiraling staircase in the center of the tower. He guides me to a door at the highest point of the tower, which I enter by myself. We are standing on an open turret overlooking a vast field. In the distance, I see the fog-and-battle where Ares is commanding troops.

"Welcome Astatos (άστατος)," Apollo says.

"Why am I here? Why did you wish to speak with me?" I ask.

"You are here because I summoned you, and you knew that already. You will do well not to ask why things are. There is no reason here; we are not beholden to the ways of Anthropos. Now, Astatos (άστατος), you spoke with The Ram, Ares. What did he say to you?"

"He called me a coward. He said I will grow weak if I do not enter the battlefield. And he said that Justice was not on the battlefield," I say.

Apollo looks at me with contempt, "Justice is in The Mountain. Where else could she be?"

"I am sorry Apollo. I am from Anthropos. This land is alien to me. I am a stranger here," I say.

"Yes, that is why your insolence have been spared. Now, hear me. Ares is a blind fool——a ram gorged on blood-soaked grass. When you were on the battlefield, did you hear the drum?"

"No, I only heard the beating of my own heart." I say.

"Your heart is in Anthropos. What you felt on the battlefield was Ares' drum. It is the calling of the drum that brought you here, Changing-One. It called you to the battlefield. But you saw Ares before he blew his horn, and thus you were spared the battle."

"Yes, I was spared the battle, but I am a coward, and I will be weak," I say. 

Apollo holds up a single finger and motions me to silence. He readies his bow and fires several arrows toward the battlefield where Ares is waging a war.

And a chorus sings: 
Apollo's arrow pierces one 
Ares' sword cleaves two.


"You killed men on both sides!" I shout, the words having left my mouth in careless shock.

"Astatos, you know nothing of the gods. Ares had cleaved the mass in two so that they may battle. And I have made the battle more perfect. We do this——lest Ares and I return to our feud.

"Now, be gone, mortal. Before your ignorance of the ways of the gods incurs more anger," Apollo says. And I suddenly I am whisked away in a whirldwind.

As I return to the world of the living, Hermes, in secret, snatches me up. He speaks quickly, "Hey, man, real quick, you didn't see me. Keep the 'energy'. Don't give it to those two bastards okay. I'm not saying that it's rightfully yours, but it isn't necessarily theirs. Okay? Now get the fuck out of here."

And I find myself in a park south of Seattle, and the sky is grey. A woman who reminds me of an older version of a college friend is jogging around the park passing me for the third time. I tap my left headphone with my finger, and a narrator resumes reading a book by Murakami.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020: Eulogy (and Pan)

It is after 10pm. My room is littered with La Croix cans, grocery store receipts, clean clothes, dirty clothes, an empty box, and... misc. There's lots of misc floating around my room. I have decided to embrace the disorder, even though I think it reflects badly on my character. But I am disordered. That's the way it is. So that's the way it's going to be. —for now. 

Anyway. I wrote a eulogy. And it's down below. And I "composed" the music for the piece as well.

I've been reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and it has changed my life. It gave me the realization that I could express my soul through motorcycle repair: this is because a motorcycle is a rational system that can be tinkered with methodically, and then the act of riding is a romantic experience because it is just that—pure experience—, and then when we combine the two things (pure experience and the rational) you can arrive at a third thing—quality

Unfortunately, I am too poor to purchase the ideal vessel for quality, so I settled for a broken lawn mower on craigslist. I drove 1.5 hours away from Seattle to south of Olympia to pick up a broken mower with the intention of fixing it.... If you watched the video, you will see that I was not particularly successful. I gave up. (In the words of the author, I ran out of gumption—and cash too...) But I learned a lot. So, I have that going for me. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June 3, 2020: Giger, Mucha, Gaudi

Long post. (TL;DR at bottom)

A miracle happened. 

A few years ago, I learned about HR Giger. He was a guy born in 1940, and he died in 2014. He's responsible for designing the xenomorph from Alien. This dude had his finger on the dark pulse of the collective unconscious. When he was younger he had constant nightmares. When he got older, he became a professional artist. And at some point, he underwent a process called art therapy. I'm almost certain that he had a Jungian therapist consider the fact that he spent much of his life in or near Zurich, which is near where CG Jung operated. Anyway, so during art therapy, Giger started drawing some really dark shit. His work is marked by the state referred to as Negredo, which symbolizes the burning away of impurities from the soul. 

My hot take is that Giger's soul/self/personality/etc grew beyond the first stage in the Jungian process of development. But what happened was that he had the capacity to channel the Zeitgeist of the time. And the Zeitgeist was carrying a really thick (German: trächtig) shadow. 

Another hot take—it was around this time—starting no later than the 1960's—that it became really obvious that we were damaging the human soul with quickly advancing technology. We haven't been able to keep up with our changing world; we lack the wisdom to safely use the tools at our disposal. And I think Giger's artwork illustrates that danger on a visceral level. It shows us a world in which our soul has become horribly entangled with the machine. 

Anyway, so after watching a documentary on Giger, Dark Star (2014), I ordered two posters for my room. However, of the two, only one of them was the correct order. The other poster was a painting by Alphonse Mucha titled The Moon (1902).
(pic 1) (pic 2

I fell in love with The Moon. I messaged the company that I bought the poster from, telling them that they sent the incorrect order but that I was actually really happy with their mistake; I figured it would be important for them to correct their inventory. And they refunded me for the incorrect order! So, in my room I had the two posters: Li and The Moon on opposite sides of my room; I figured I was caught between these two images—the light and dark aspects of my soul (see: anima).

Not long ago, I got rid of those posters, but I kept their meaning close to heart. Posters just don't survive moving apartments very well, and those posters are easily replaced. 

Then, a little over a week ago, I had a random impulse. I bought an artbook with HR Giger's work. The package arrived at an interesting time. I was sitting on my couch, when I was overcome by a massive wave of dark depression. I felt the need to walk, so I walked around the corner and went to the store for a pint of ice cream. When I came back, my order had arrived.

I thought to myself, "Ah that must be why I feel so depressed. That book is coming into my life, and it has a heavy shadow. Very well. Come in."

But when I opened the book they messed up my order! Taschen sent me a massive book of pictures of the architectural works by Antoni Gaudi. The first thought that went through my slow brain was, "Gaudi?—more like gaudy."

I disliked the book cover because it looked cartoonish and gnome-like, and I was upset about the mistake until I realized that Antoni Gaudi is the architect of the famous Sagrada Familia—which I believe is the most interesting and beautiful cathedral. Moreover, this book was priced at FOUR times as much as the Giger book, which is wild! When I emailed Taschen, they said that they will be sending me the Giger book, and they will let me keep the Gaudi book free of charge!

This is symbolically significant.

Giger represents darkness. And instead of only receiving a dark book, I was given something else—something that will take me time to understand; afterall, it took me a few years to understand what Mucha symbolized to me, thought I haven't put that into words either.

Were these two events accidents or a miracles?—mu—the question is so wrong that I cannot answer it truthfully, nor can I give a false answer. 

But what I see is that darkness can turn into light—they are related, as if by magic.

According to entropy, order will devolve into chaos.

But there is an order that arises from that same chaos, and it is totally independent of us, and it operates according to principles that are beyond my ability to rationalize or understand. I don't have a name for it. It is like an emergent order, an organizing principle of the universe in which we are able to find personal meaning.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2, 2020

I'm in my room. Caitlin is beside me. We're both on our computers. She's working from home; she left work early without getting full permission because protestors are expected to march from Westlake to the Seattle Opera House which is right next to where she works.

I'm having a difficult time. I feel guilty for writing something that isn't going to contribute to positive change or fight injustice. But this is my journal. And I need to organize my thoughts. So here we are...

I gave my parents and little sister the middle finger today, not literally, just figuratively. I told them that I don't want to talk to them anymore. I feel a lot of hate right now. And my parents are the easiest target. I hate that I am this way, but here I am. I can't stand my parents—as if I were an angry teenager.

I am disgusted with my own character.

I wish I were respectful and less impulsive.

But I can't keep my head on straight.